MyKinderApp’s mission is to create an online community around each child. To accomplish this goal, it’s essential that MyKinderApp is a safe place to document learning, and that parents and educators control how that information is shared.
  • We don’t own the content you provide – our customers do.
  • Content is private by default. Educators control what is shared and with whom.
  • We don’t advertise in MyKinderApp or sell any user data.
  • We use security industry best practices and routinely monitor our systems to protect you.
  • We are transparent about our practices and will notify you if things change.

This Privacy Policy governs the use of data collected by our websites at, and the MyKinderApp Application.  This includes personally identifiable information that we collect when you create an account (“Account Information”), content added to MyKinderApp and messages sent via MyKinderApp.  Any data collected by MyKinderApp that can be linked back to an individual student is considered “Student Data”.

By using MyKinderApp, you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you don’t agree or if you do not agree with our Terms & Conditions, please do not use MyKinderApp. You can contact us at anytime with questions about this policy at .

Please note:  We also have a privacy policy statement covering personal data collected on our website, webinars, social media and other marketing platforms.  Read our Privacy Policy for our Website here.


MyKinderApp (“we”, “us”, “our”) takes your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy explains how we use, collect and store personal information. It should be read in conjunction with our Terms and Conditions.

Here’s what we will cover in this policy:

Section 1:

Kindergarten Users.

1. Collection and use of Personal Information

2. Protection of Personal Information

3. Data Storage

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

5. Your Rights

Section 2:


1. Collection and use of Personal Information

2. Access to personal information

3. Protection of Personal Information

4. Data Storage

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

6. Your Rights

Section 3:

Privacy Policy FAQ & Other Information

Section 1: Child Care & School Users.

We will collect personal information about you when you access and use the MyKinderApp Application, and when you browse our public website.

Below we’ll explain how we collect and use that information.

1. Collection and use of Personal Information

We collect information from the staff of participating kindergarten and schools:

We will also collect information about you when you log onto the Application or visit our public website.

This will include the information you provide about yourself to maintain your account and other statistical information we may collect about the way users arrive at, browse through and interact with our site.

We use Personal Information to:

We use this information to have a better understanding of the way people use our site and to tailor it to be more relevant and useful to your particular needs.

If you are a member of staff at a kindergarten service, you should be aware that any information uploaded to our Application which directly or indirectly identifies you will be made available to other staff within your kindergarten and to Parents of relevant children

If we establish a facility whereby you can pay the fees on behalf of your kindergarten service online, you will be transferred to our third party payment provider and all your financial information (e.g. credit card numbers, bank accounts etc) will be collected and held by that payment provider, not by us. If you would like to know how the payment provider will handle your personal information, please see its privacy policy.

2. Protection of Personal Information

We do not rent, sell, or share Personal Information about you with other people or non affiliated companies.

We may use your Personal Information to facilitate transmittal of information that may be useful, relevant, valuable or otherwise of interest to you.

We may anonymize and aggregate data collected through the Sites and use it for any purpose.

We strive to ensure that the personal information we hold on behalf of kindergartens is protected by all the security safeguards it is reasonable to take.

3. Data Storage

All the personal information we collect, hold and process may be securely stored in the monitored data house of our service provider in Australia.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose any of the personal information we hold:

Access To Content & Child Portfolios

We might use the child portfolio and child information for the purpose of operating, maintaining and improving our Application and the website on which it operates. This includes remote access to your site.

For instance, support staff at MyKinderApp might need access to your site to help in technical issues.  All staff are vetted and MyKinderApp has a range of security policies to protect access to any devices that could be used to log in, this in addition to our cyber security policies.


We store the Child Information on behalf of the kindergarten as an agent on its behalf and do not generally edit, adapt, delete or update such information, other than on the instructions of the kindergarten or to maintain and improve our Application and the website on which it operates.

If you have a complaint about the personal information on the Application in respect of your child or would like to correct any mistakes or incomplete information, please contact your kindergarten directly.

5. Your Rights

You have the right to request access to any of the personal information we hold about you. You also have right to request that any of your personal information be corrected. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact your kindergarten manager and ask him or her to liaise with us regarding access to or correction of your information.

Whereas MyKinderApp is processor of data, our customer are controllers of personal data. As such they  are advised to seek consent from parents and families using forms like this from the New Zealand MOE.

  • where this is included in information we store about children (for example a report by a educator about a particular child may include particulars which identify that educator);
  • content — defined as stories, plans, forms, reports and other content in a child’s portfolio related to a child created in MyKinderApp by educators, other staff parents, and where the student user mode is activated, students; and
  • as part of a registered user account to ensure that only authorized persons have access about the Application.
  • provide and improve the Sites; and
  • communicate with you.
  • to service providers working with us on the operation and ongoing development of the Application and the Website;
  • in relation to the proposed purchase or acquisition of the business or assets of MyKinderApp; or
  • where required by law or any court, or in response to a legitimate request by a law enforcement agency;

Section 2: Parents

1. Collection and use of Personal Information

We do not collect personal information directly from your child.

We do not rent, sell, or share any personal information about your child with other people or non affiliated companies for any purpose.

The kindergarten service which your child attends is responsible for collecting personal information about children and selecting, uploading, accessing and using that information through the Application.

We will then store and make available that information to parents, guardians, caregivers, relatives or other responsible adults (referred to in this policy as “Parents”) on behalf of and as directed by the kindergarten.

We specifically require each kindergarten to seek parental consent before uploading any information to the Application. However, if for any reason you have not given your consent, please contact your kindergarten immediately.

The personal information which the kindergarten uploads to the Application may include information which is relevant to your child’s care, growth and learning, such as learning stories produced by your child’s educator, photographs of your child’s artwork, reports by educators on your child’s progress and development, photos and other materials (referred to in this policy as “Child Information”).

The Child Information we hold and process on behalf of a kindergarten will be used by MyKinderApptors for the purposes of:

We may also use the Child Information for the purpose of operating, maintaining and improving our Application and the website on which it operates.

We store the Child Information on behalf of the kindergarten as an agent on its behalf and do not generally edit, adapt, delete or update such information, other than on the instructions of the kindergarten or to maintain and improve our Application and the website on which it operates.

If you have a complaint about the personal information on the Application in respect of your child or would like to correct any mistakes or incomplete information, please contact your kindergarten directly.

2. Access to personal information

We strive to ensure that personal information is only disclosed to people the kindergarten specifically authorizes us to disclose to.

Usually this means that Parents will only have access to information about their own children and that Child Information about each child is only made available to that child’s Parents. However, in some cases we may be instructed by a kindergarten to make Child Information about a group learning project available. If your child participates in a group learning project, his or her personal information may be made available to you and other Parents.

 3. Protection of personal information

We strive to ensure that the personal information we hold on behalf of kindergarten is protected by all security safeguards it is reasonable to take. We ask kindergarten to restrict access to Child Information to those staff who have a “need to know” and we use a secure encrypted connection to protect the transmission of information over the internet. We require any Parents who will have access to Child Information to register a separate account with us and agree to our Terms and Conditions.

4. Data Storage

All the personal information we collect, hold and process including the Child Information may be securely stored in the monitored data house of our service provider in Australia.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

We strive to ensure that staff from other childcare providers cannot access to the Child information held in relation to any other kindergartens.

In addition to the disclosure of Child Information to Parents described above, we may disclose any of the personal information we hold:

We may also use the Child Information for the purpose of operating, maintaining and improving our Application and the website on which it operates.

We store the Child Information on behalf of the kindergarten as an agent on its behalf and do not edit, adapt, delete or update such information, other than on the instructions of the kindergarten or to maintain and improve our Application and the website on which it operates.

If you have a complaint about the personal information on the Application in respect of your child or would like to correct any mistakes or incomplete information, please contact your kindergarten directly.

6. Your Rights

You have the right to request access to any of the personal information we hold on behalf of the kindergarten about you or your child. You also have right to request that any of your or your child’s personal information be corrected. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact your kindergarten directly.

  • storing, accessing and updating records about each child within their care;
  • promoting the growth and development of children within their care;
  • allowing Parents to access Child Information; and
  • to service providers working with us on the operation and ongoing development of the Application and the Website;
  • in relation to the proposed purchase or acquisition of the business or assets of MyKinderApp; or
  • where required by law or any court, or in response to a legitimate request by a law enforcement agency.

Section 3: FAQ & Other Information

Data Retention & Erasure

Our data retention policy meets the ‘data minimization’ and ‘storage limitation’ principles of GDPR that require companies to look for ways to minimize the holding of personal data as well as how it is stored, archived and destroyed compliantly and ethically. We have data deletion procedures in place to meet the new ‘Right to Erasure’ obligation, also called the “right to be forgotten” along with any exemptions, response timeframes and notification responsibilities.

Data Breaches

Our breach procedures ensure that we have safeguards and measures to identify, assess, investigate and report any personal data breach at the earliest possible time.

Website Visitors, Webinar Attendees & Other Marketing Forms

MyKinderApp provides webinars and other events to market its services. It also maintains websites and social media platforms that from time to time provide opportunities to provide personal data.  MyKinderApp does not rent, sell or share this personal data with any third party.

Is MyKinderApp is COPPA, FERPA and GDPR Compliant?

Yes. MyKinderApp only collects personal information through the Services from a child under 13 where their school, district, and/or educator has agreed (as described in more detail in the Terms of Service) to obtain parental consent to use the Services and disclose personal information to us for the use and benefit of the learning environment.

If you are aware of a case where MyKinderApp s collecting information from a student under age 13 without parent consent, please contact us immediately at and we will delete the data.

Who does MyKinderApp collect information from?

Educators, parents, family members, students, and schools may create accounts on MyKinderApp.

We also collect limited log-data from all visitors to our marketing website via services such as Google Analytics.  We collect data primarily from the submission of forms, relying on our Terms & Conditions which allow for us to communicate with anyone submitting their information to us.

You are entitled to contact MyKinderApp to request to see the data we have on file for you. If we have a file for you, it can be deleted upon your request.  If you have any questions about our information collecting, would like to raise or a concern or submit a complaint, please contact us at .

What information does MyKinderApp collect?

Account Information: When educators, parents, family members, or customer administrators create an account on MyKinderApp we collect your name, email address, password, and profile picture. MyKinderApp may also collect your phone number. A child profile will also include a child’s picture.

Students cannot create an account by themselves.  They can only access MyKinderApp via a educator or parent log in.

Content:  MyKinderApp also collects content that is added to a class or child portfolio.  This content may be photos, drawings, files, notes, hyperlinks, and other ways of documenting student learning. We regularly add types of information that can be uploaded to a Portfolio, and these are all covered by this Policy.  We also collect comments on posts in stories, child portfolios and messages which may be text, or if you allow MyKinderApp to access the microphone on your device, voice recordings.  Content that is uploaded by a student or educator may be considered a student education record under the Federal education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”).

Messages: MyKinderApp collects messages that are sent and received in MyKinderApp by educators, family members, and students.

Communications: MyKinderApp collects any information you send to us directly, such as email communications.

Information from Third Party Services:  MyKinderApp allows educator, parents, extended family and other interested parties invited by a parent to sign up for and log into our service using a unique email address, which may be a Google Account. When you sign up for an account using a Google Account, Google sends us the full name, profile picture, and URL of your Google+ profile associated with your Google Account. MyKinderApp may also receive additional information, such as publicly available information on your Google+ profile.

Other Services. MyKinderApp uses third-party services to receive incoming email and chat requests to the MyKinderApp support team.  It tracks certain data to help the support team to answer your queries, including you location, web browser and version and operating system and version.
These third-party services also handle outgoing bulk communication from MyKinderApp, collection of customer satisfaction survey results and other purposes that help us improve our service to customers.

Log Data: When you use MyKinderApp, we receive log data such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, device information, and your mobile carrier. In addition, we may receive or collect additional information such as the referring web page, referring search terms, and pages visited.

Marketing Data.  If you submitted a form through the MyKinderApp marketing website, MyKinderApp collects your name, email, phone and other details.  It may also use your IP address to determine your approximate location for the purposes of sending you customized marketing and other information about our products.

Cookies.  We use “cookies” on this site. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a site visitor’s hard drive to help us improve your access to our site and identify repeat visitors to our site. For instance, when we use a cookie to identify you, you would not have to log in a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our site. Cookies can also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance their experience on our site. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on our site.

How does MyKinderApp use this information?

We only use this information to provide our services to you.  For example we use this information to:

Does MyKinderApp allow advertising or share data for advertising?

Absolutely not.

Our business model is based on subscriptions. We charge our kindergarten and school customers a fee to use our product and have no interest in advertising in MyKinderApp. We never display ads, allow 3rd party ads, share data for the purpose of displaying ads, or allow data collection by 3rd party advertisers or data brokers.

In what limited circumstances may MyKinderApp need to share my information?

We do not sell, rent or share any Student Data, Content, Messages, or Account Information with third parties except in the limited circumstances detailed below:

Do you work with third party analytics services?

MyKinderApp is constantly looking to improve the user experience, and we use aggregate data about how MyKinderApp is used — for example what buttons you click on or what pages you visit — to inform those decisions.

To help us analyze this data, we use a small number of third party services (such as Google Analytics).  In no circumstances are any data you have shared with MyKinderApp (such as your Account Information or Content) shared with these services.  In addition, these services are contractually obligated only to use data about your usage of MyKinderApp to provide analytics services to us and are prohibited from sharing it or using it for other purposes.

How do you use cookies?

Cookies are small text files that we transfer to your web browser that allow us to identify your web browser and store information about your account.  We use these cookies to keep you logged in to MyKinderApp,  customize your MyKinderApp experience and understand how you use MyKinderApp.

Please be aware that MyKinderApp may not work properly if you disable or decline cookies.

How can users share portfolios and child information?

MyKinderApp is designed for safe sharing. Administrators and educators control who child portfolios are shared with by authorizing people who can access a portfolio, plan, form or other related content. There is no path in MyKinderApp to publish any of the content in MyKinderApp to a public web page.

Parents may invite extended family members and other interested third parties, including specialists. For most communications and sharing MyKinderApp allows educators to select parents and others separately.  It is important that everyone understands that those family members will also be able to see and share their child’s content with third-party services and with the public.

MyKinderApp has no responsibility for any information an authorized account holder shares on a third party website. The third party website’s policies will apply to content shared there.

How does MyKinderApp handle cancelled or abandoned accounts?

MyKinderApp reserves the right to terminate accounts that have not been cancelled accounts or trial accounts that did not upgrade to paying status. Prior to terminating a cancelled account, MyKinderApp will notify the customer associated with the account by email and provide an opportunity to download an archive  copy of the child portfolio.

Removing stored data

Users can request that MyKinderApp delete all stored data if they wish by emailing .  Users will have an opportunity to download child portfolios prior to deletion.  Stored data includes login information, meaning that once stored data is deleted, you will no longer be able to access MyKinderApp.

How does MyKinderApp keep your data safe?

MyKinderApp takes protecting your security and privacy seriously and we’ve put a number of measures in place to protect the integrity of your information, including use of highly secure, access-controlled data centers and industry best practices on encryption.

For more information, please read this article.

Changes to our privacy policy

MyKinderApp may from time to time make changes to this Privacy Policy to account for changes to our practices or applicable law. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy that we believe will materially affect your rights, we will notify you by email about these changes and post a notice to our service. If you continue to use our service after you receive notice of changes to this Privacy Policy, you will accept these changes.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or feedback, please contact . You can reach MyKinderApp by mail at:

  • Allow you to access and use our service by verifying your identity and storing your Content.
  • Provide educators, schools, and family members with customer support.
  • Notify you about activity on and updates to your account.
  • Research, understand, and analyze trends of users to improve and develop new features for our products.
  • Promote new MyKinderApp features and updates to educators, parents and schools.
  • Investigate, prevent, and detect activities on our service that we believe may violate the law or applicable regulations.
  • We use a small number of third party services in order to operate and improve MyKinderApp – for example a data center operator that manages our servers or a notification service that helps us send you messages about your account.  These services need access to your personally identifiable information in order to work (i.e. your email address is required to send you email), but are contractually prohibited from using that information for any other purpose other than to provide the MyKinderApp service.
  • MyKinderApp may disclose your information to a third party to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or a valid legal request – including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.  If we are going to release your data, we will do our best to provide you with notice in advance by email, unless we are prohibited by law from doing so.
  • MyKinderApp may disclose student profile information and content the child’s school district upon request, as required by FERPA.
  • We may disclose or transfer your Account Information and Content in connection with the sale, merger, bankruptcy, sale of assets or reorganization of our company. We will notify you if a different company will receive your information. The promises in this Privacy Policy will apply to your data as transferred to the new entity.